Abortion Sanctuary: 3 Practices to Support Resilience
Your Abortion Experiences?
The fundamental reason for engaging and honoring your abortion experiences is to give context and healing to them. This guide will help you to engage your deepest truths and honor your journey. I share my journey in this workbook, so that you can how these practices have evolved from direct experience.
- Firstly, the practices in this workbook guide you through orienting to where you are now, within;
- They provide a framework for building trust within yourself, and with others;
- You will learn to recognize resources you already have in place, and it will help you to nurture and develop others, so that you will be able to navigate choppy waters with more grace;
- You will learn to cultivate your inner life with specific tools, so that you are able to nurture and trust your own soul-centered guidance.
The practices form a web of support providing an important foundation for regaining resilience and nurturing empowerment.
What You Need to Know
About Reclaiming Your Story
It's work. It takes courage.
And we can't do it alone.
When we explore experiences that have deeply affected us, we need to have many types of resources that support us. At a very basic level, it must be asked: Do you have enough time, energy and material support to undertake this journey at this time? If so, then it is time. If not, then best to wait until you have more to call upon.
Courage is required to explore and engage your story within sometimes hostile cultures. It takes courage to stand in your Truth and not be made to feel ashamed. And since we are challenging centuries old oppressive beliefs, it is impossible to do alone.
Your efforts, courage and talents are needed. They will heal and empower you, and will heal your lineage; your ancestors, and your decendants. Your journey will support the transformation of oppressive cultures into more loving ones.
How This Process Will Help You
Begin to Reclaim Your Resilience
This journey will take you to unexpected, challenging and wonderous spaces. Here is the process you will be taken through:
- Orientation to the practices and resources provideded within these pages for the journey ahead.
- Facts about abortion, and community building
- Self-assessments
- Reflections for inner work
- Building trust using the Form & the Principles
- Making an Agreement with yourself
- Links to videos to deepen your understanding, and to create more safety
- Engaging healing rituals
- Using visual organizer to identify and engage resources in your life
- Agreement tracker
- Creative movement guidance and encouragement to stay present: resouced.
- Learning to work with dreams and journaling to mine inner guidance, and find buried treasure.
- Resources that help you deepen your experience.
Given the right tools, our body/emotions/spirit will heal. You already bring valuable skills and knowledge to this process, learned from your own life experiences. These Practices will build upon them.
What Results Can You Expect to
Acheive by Beginning This Process?
You will notice, over time, that your nervous system feels more settled.
Like some long ache is finally being tended to.
You will begin to orient to potentially overwhelming situations in a way that enables you to focus on the way forward. You will be able to engage appropriate layers of support, thereby resourcing yourself. Overall, the journey is intimately personal, and will help you beneficially shift how you are able to meet the world.
My intention is to guide you to develop an appreciation for the benefits of being loving, mindful and nurturing to yourself around the transformational experiences of abortion. While some of the practices seem simple upon first glance, over time they will have a profound influence on improving the quality of your life.
Engage your story and honor your journey....
Oftentimes, what’s needed is a place of sanctuary.
75 pages