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Irregular Menstruation: Transform Chaos into Harmony

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Why Approach
Resolving Irregular
Menstuation Holistically?
Irregular menstruation can be maddening in so many ways. By engaging an holistic approach will help you restore or create a more managable cycle, you will also create more ease, clarity and self empowerment. That, in turn, will help you improve every aspect of your life.

What You Need to Know
About Resolving
Irregular Menstruation

For the five bulleted health challenges below, this process may be able to support resolution of irregular menstruation.

As long as you are engaging other body/mind support, such as body-psychotherapy, trauma resolution, and/or medical monitoring, simultaneously, you will have the necessary support to go through this process.

• Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI)
• Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa or bulimia)
• Excessive exercise
• Late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia (problem with the adrenal gland)
• Medications, such as those to treat epilepsy or mental health problems

Since this can be a complicated situation, you may want to schedule one or more tele-health sessions with me to fine tune your process over time.

I will be able to help you resolve menstrual issues, provided hormonal birth control or hormone-containing intrauterine device (IUD) are discontinued or removed. The digital download on Birth Control Options will be helpful.

I am able to support your processes with:

How Will This Process
Guide You to Resolve
Irregular Menstruation?

I am able to support resolution of these health challenges through this, and additional digital downloads I’ll name below:
These publications provide guidance on dietary changes, recommendations for herbs, supplements, manual therapies, at home treatments, links to pertinent support, other resources and more.

What Results
Can You Expect?

Since this is often a complex challenge, you can expect to see improvements each month over six months time, with compliance with the recommended protocols. Improvements to be expected are more regular cycles, healthier flow, and feeling better overall. 

45 pages 

I really enjoyed our session together and appreciate the recommendations that you shared with me. I did a number of yoni steams (leading up to menstruation) the same cycle that I saw you, along with the self massage and castor oil packs leading up to ovulation this cycle and last.I also bought two of the books you recommended which I have been enjoying thoroughly! I think all of this, along with our session together, made a definite difference both physically and emotionally. But the latest news is that I am pregnant!         
~K. I., Catonsville, MD

I think back now on how I felt after that first massage session (like blood was flowing to parts of my hips and legs that it hadn’t reached in a while) and I am convinced you woke up my uterus!                     
~S. C., Baltimore, MD
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